“Thor: Love and Thunder” is a film produced by Marvel Studios, directed by Taika Waititi, Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tessa Thompson, Kate Blanchett and other leading actors are scheduled to be released in North America on July 8, 2022. The film will be filmed in Australia in April 2021. Godslayer Gor is nearly immortal, possessing superhuman strength, stamina and injury resistance. Can also manipulate darkness and shape it into solid objects. Gerr was born on a planet in poor condition, and since the gods did not answer the prayers of those who desperately needed help, Ger felt that the gods […]
Month: March 2022
“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” is an upcoming American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character of the same name, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Movies. The film is the sequel to the film “Doctor Strange” released in 2016. It is the 28th film work of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and belongs to the fourth phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the 2019 movie “Avengers: Endgame”, the 2021 episode “WandaVision”, the 2021 episode “Rocky” season one and the 2021 movie “Spider-Man: Homeless” After the incident, “Doctor Strange” Stephen Strange cast a forbidden