“Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” is a 2023 American superhero movie, adapted from Marvel Comics’ superheroes “Ant-Man” Scott Lang and “The Wasp” Hope Van Dyne . Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios, the film is the sequel to the 2018 film Ant-Man and the Wasp, the 31st film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the first installment of Phase Five. work. The movie tells the story of Lang and Van Dyne’s family entering the quantum realm, and they have to directly face Kang, the second super villain conqueror after Thanos. The crisis is imminent, and the […]
Month: February 2023
“The Boys” is set in a world where superpowers and ordinary people coexist. Homelander, A-train, The Deep, Queen Maeve, Translucent and Black Noir belong to the world’s largest superhero company Walter Group, helping the government punish While eliminating evil and maintaining world peace, they also helped the company earn untold profits as idols. The company uses superheroes as a marketing tool, and superheroes are arrogant and corrupt under the heroic surface. Hughie Campbell is an ordinary boy whose girlfriend died in an accident caused by A-train. Hughie was unwilling to accept Walter’s sloppy apology and compensation, and decided to avenge
Dear Champion Cosplay customer, hello! We start work! In the new year, in order to thank the fans and friends who have been following and supporting us, Ccosplay has launched a spring promotion! Whether you have purchased products on our website or not, you can participate in the event! The event is awesome, don’t miss it! “Doctor Strange” is a superhero under the umbrella of Marvel Comics in the United States. It debuted in the 110th issue of “Strange Tales” (July 1963), and was jointly created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. His real name is Stephen Strange. He was