“Loki” is a limited series launched by Marvel Studios for the streaming platform Disney+. It is adapted from Marvel Comics and belongs to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tom Hiddleston returns to star in the series. Supervised by Vin Fitch. Season 1 is directed by Kate Herron and written by Michael Waldron; Season 2 is directed by duo Justin Benson and Alan Moorehead and written by Eric Martin. The story takes place in “Avengers 4: Endgame” after Captain America, Iron Man and others traveled to 2012, causing Loki to steal the Cosmic Cube. Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston, comes to the […]
Month: March 2024
Deadpool is an American comic book antihero first appearing in New Mutants #98 (February 1991), originally a Canadian Special Forces soldier who joined the Weapon X program in order to cure himself of a terminal illness. His real name is Wade Winston Wilson, originally a Canadian Special Forces soldier who joined the Weapon X program in order to cure himself of a terminal illness and became one of the program’s subjects. Although the cancer was cured after an injection of the Wolverine gene, it led to an overgrowth of brain cells and the man began to go insane. The regenerative
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2 Broke Girls, a sitcom created by Michael Patrick King and Whitney Cumming and produced by Warner Bros. Television, starring Kate Dellins and Beth Beale. The series premiered on September 19, 2011 on the CBS Television Network (CBS). The show is about two urban girls from completely different backgrounds who work together to make a living. Max Black (played by Kate Dellins) comes from a poor background and works as a waitress at a diner in Brooklyn, New York. Caroline Channing (Beth Beale) is a rich girl from a wealthy family who has fallen on hard times after her father
This is the 2 Broke Girls play costume from Champion CosplayRead More »
Many characters in the Marvel Universe have Spider-Man identities, including the mainstream universe’s “Peter Parker,” so the background is told primarily from Spider-Man Peter’s perspective. In the original Marvel Universe story, Marvel Fantasy Vol. The Amazing Spider-Man Peter Parker was originally born and lived in New York. In the first Spider-Man stories, The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. The Amazing Spider-Man Peter Parker was originally born and resided in New York, when he was a middle school student living in the wooded hills of Queens, attending Downtown High School (also known as Mead High School), and was referred to by his classmates
The Spider-Man Costumes Hot Sale at Champion Cosplay StoreRead More »